What Is A Salt Room?

A salt room is specially constructed for performing halotherapy, also known as salt therapy. In most cases, the room is completely sealed and its walls, floor and ceiling are covered with thick layers of salt. The humidity and room temperature are then controlled so as to create an environment that is free from allergens and microbes. Some rooms may have special machines which will disperse very fine particles of special salt into the air.

How Salt Therapy Works

Salt therapy is a natural and drug free treatment of various health conditions performed in salt room. The salt particles found on air in the salt room are often negatively ionized. As they are being slowly inhaled by the occupants of the room, the particles go through the respiratory system, killing bacteria and any other contaminants on the way. The particles are so tiny they can not be easily noticeable, and therefore they are easily absorbed even into the deepest part of the human lungs. When a salt particle comes into contact with contaminants, it forms an ionic bond which is carried in the mucus and later eliminated out of the body system.


Benefits Of Himalayan Salt

Himalayan salt is special and unique because it is pure and it does not contain any pollutants and toxins, which are found in normal sea salt. It also contains up to 84 known natural elements and minerals, most of which are found in ours bodies. Apart from generally cleaning the body system, Himalayan Salt is said to help various skin conditions and other complications related to the respiratory system. It helps in reducing respiratory tract inflammation and boosts the immune system. The most common condition being addressed by salt therapy is asthma. It works by clearing any unwanted particles that have been previously inhaled. It also provides anti-inflammatory effects thereby clearing the victim’s airway. Respiratory related conditions that can be treated through salt therapy include bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinitis and various respiratory Allergies. Other conditions include ear infection, cystic fibroids and tonsillitis.

Other benefits of breathing Himalayan salt include:

– Increasing the absorption of food particles in the intestines

– Balance pH in the body cells

– Control of water levels in the body

– Reducing aging signs

– Balancing blood sugar and pressure

– Promote healthy bones

– Aid muscular and vascular health

– It decreases the chance of getting gall bladder and kidney stones

Who Goes For Salt therapy?

Salt Therapy does not have any age limits, therefore both young and old can experience the benefit of this wonderful healing process. Most salt caves have rooms for the various age groups and sexes. This means you can enjoy your session comfortably in a bikini without worrying about indecent exposure.

Parents with children suffering from conditions such as asthma are strongly advised to try salt therapy before embarking on drug treatment. This can help to avoid any drug related reactions which are very common in asthmatic children. You can enjoy a relaxing and rejuvenating session at your local salt room or cave while listening to your favorite music, and at the same time keeping your health in check.

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By Egypt Eve

Egypt Eve Website Editor

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